Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Native Garden Planting

The Student Council Eco-Action Team and EcoThink Club members helped amend the soil and plant over 30 natives in the front garden.  There were muddy hands and smiles all around!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Lorax Stone

This month was the first meeting of the new Student Council Eco-Action Team.  These students signed up and were elected by their classrooms to represent them and update them on green activities at the school.  During the meeting we brainstormed activities that we could do for the Eco-Schools World Day of Action on November 7th.  One of their ideas will be used by the school, more to come on that event.  At the meeting's close, each student selected a rock and together they created a Lorax stone pile in the front native garden.  The plant that was circled by the rocks was a tall Oregon Grape; or as one of the team members called it, the 'Oregon Truffala Tree for if it is cut down, we can't plant any more'.  The whole team presented at the next school assembly, reading these lines from 'The Lorax':

"And deep in the Grickle-grass, some people say,
if you look deep enough you can still see, today,
where the Lorax once stood
just as long as it could
before somebody lifted the Lorax away.
"And all that the Lorax left here in this mess
was a small pile of rocks with the one word
Whatever that means, well, I just couldn't guess"
"'But now,' says the Once-ler,
'Now that you're here,
the word of the Lorax seems perfectly clear.
UNLESS someone like you
cares a whole awful lot,
nothing is going to get better.
It's not"
                               - by Dr. Suess